Backspaced words...

Hasn't it happened that you've typed in something, then you quickly read it yourself, and backspace those to say something that is usually a lot less intense than your original words? Would you prefer that you always said what you thought? Put in another way, would you want to first think about your thoughts before saying something? The IM, gives ample scope for this - thanks to our typing speeds being infinitesimally small compared to our thinking speeds. Wouldn't it all be good if the whole world was IM-ish? So you see, it's more than just being emoticonal!


wanderlust said...

it needn't be just less intense.. it can also be more appropriate - which might at times translate to more intense.
i don't think we'd pause to think and say something less appropriate than what we would originally say.

Aravind said...

@ prickles
True... But, I was talking about regretting the things you said in haste, which are usually 'intense'...

loop said...

i sure would like an IM-ish world.