Is the west best?

I have always maintained that though the western world is considered largely successful, there are a lot of elements in it that are not sustainable. And developing countries should not blindly move towards the western world with respect to these specific issues.

I saw this programme on National Geographic on remodelling your home to be environment friendly. Watch it here (1 2 3 4 5 6) and tell me that you do not notice the gradual but deliberate move of the western societies towards traditional societies in countries like India


Aditya K said...

Good one.

In fact, back in '07, on an evening walk with a friend in Stuttgart, we were discussing something pretty much like this; that while the West coming over it's long-known passions towards thoughts (spiritual) and practices (Hindu/Indian), us in India were completing the other half of the cycle. How so ironically!

Anonymous said...

True many developed countries don't have what we have : spirituality and a stable family/social structure.

It is just the "Grass is green on the other side " perception .Also the materialistic success of the western world is another factor that may want the developing countries to emulate them.

Aravind said...

@ Aditya


@ Rupa
